This Service Agreement is between All Disability Plan Management (owned by Maple Plan Pty Ltd.) and the Participant/Nominated Representative in the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
This Service agreement may remain in place for the duration of numerous NDIS plans.
This Service Agreement will commence today and remain in effect with All Disability Plan Management, until either party provides notice in writing to the other to terminate the association.
It will not end automatically when your current NDIS plan ends.
This Service Agreement is made for the purpose of providing supports under the participant's NDIS plan.
The parties agree that this Service Agreement is made in the context of the NDIS, which is a scheme that aims to:
• support the independence and social and economic participation of people with disability, and
• enable people with a disability to exercise choice and control in the pursuit of their goals and theplanning and delivery of their supports.
The provider agrees to provide the participant with Plan Management (Financial Intermediary) for the period of this service agreement.
The costs of these supports are as follows:
Plan Management And Financial Capacity Building - Set Up Costs-NSW-2020 - $232.35
Plan Management – Monthly Financial Administration -NSW-2020 - $104.45
These fees may increase in line with any changes made by the NDIS. All Disability Plan Management fees will not exceed the maximum fees determined by the NDIS.
The provider agrees to:
• provide financial administration services
• reconcile client balances
• pay supplier invoices on behalf of client
• process client or representative reimbursement claims
• monitor expenses against the client’s budget
• provide monthly budget reports and information on funding upon request
• engage in client liaison – emails, phone calls etc
• consult the participant/nominated representative on request, regarding decisions about how funds are spent
• communicate openly and honestly in a timely manner
• treat the participant with courtesy and respect
• listen to the participant's feedback and resolve problems quickly
• Give the participant the required notice if the provider needs to end the Service Agreement (see 'Ending this Service Agreement' below for more information)
• protect the participant's privacy and confidential information
• provide supports in a manner consistent with all relevant laws, including the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 and rules, and the Australian Consumer Law; keep accurate records on the supports provided to the participant
The participant/participant's representative agrees to:
• Provide the provider with any changes to their information and changes of representation
• treat the provider with courtesy and respect
• talk to the provider if the participant has any concerns about the supports being provided
• give the provider the required notice if the participant needsto end the Service Agreement (see 'Ending this Service Agreement' below for more information), and
• let the provider know immediately if the participant's NDIS plan issuspended or replaced by a new NDIS plan or the participant stops being a participant in the NDIS.
The provider will seek payment for their provision of supports from the NDIA after the participant/ participant's representative confirms satisfactory delivery.
If changes to the supports or their delivery are required,the parties agree to discuss and review this Service Agreement. The parties agree that any changes to this Service Agreement will be in writing, signed, and dated by the parties.
Should either party wish to end this Service Agreement they must give 14 days’ notice.
If either party seriously breaches this Service Agreement the requirement of notice will be waived.
If the participant wishes to give the provider feedback or wishes to make a complaint, the participant can talk to our staff by telephone on 02 6584 7893, email [email protected] or mail to 5B 116 Gordon Street Port Macquarie NSW 2444. Feedback and complaints may also be made via the website.
If the participant is not satisfied or does not want to talk to this person, the participant can contact the NDIS Safeguard Commission by:
• Phoning: 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY 133 677. (Interpreters can be arranged).
• National Relay Service and ask for 1800 035 544.
• Completing a complaint contact form.
For the purposes of GST legislation, the Parties confirm that:
• a supply of supports under this Service Agreement is a supply of one or more of the reasonable and necessary supports specified in the statement included, undersubsection 33(2) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act), in the participant's NDIS plan currently in effect under section 37 of the NDIS Act;
• the participant's NDIS plan is expected to remain in effect during the period the supports are provided; and
• the participant/participant's representative will immediately notify the provider if the participant's NDIS Plan is replaced by a new plan or the participant stops being a participant in the NDIS.
All Disability Plan Management's business is owned and operated by Maple Plan Pty Ltd, which is a company within the nib Group.
All Disability Plan Management's business has the same NDIS registration number as Maple Plan Pty Ltd (Provider Registration No: 4050033778), which in turn is owned by nib holdings Ltd.
All Disability Plan Management Pty Ltd ABN: 32 466 147 010
Maple Plan Pty Ltd ABN: 69 624 874 219
nib Holdings Pty Ltd ABN: 51 125 633 856
Email invoices to: [email protected]
Phone: 1300 399 913
Port Macquarie Office: 02 6584 7893
5B, 116 Gordon Street
Port Macquarie NSW 2444